Does wiring a sub differently make it perform better, or worse


New member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I wired my two subs differently, and now ones flexs more than the other, why does it matter, and what is the best way to wire them

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 5426
Registered: Dec-03
it makes a big difference to the load on the amp and thus the amount of power the amp puts out.

how many subs total?
how many coils per sub?
how many ohm per coil?
how many channels does your amp have?
how many watts per channel at how many ohms?
(or just supply the make/model of the amp if ya don't know)

New member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-04
2 subs
dual coils on each
they are 2 ohm subs
2channel amp
it is a power acoustik 960lt series amp

New member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 5
Registered: Nov-04
actually the amp is a lt980/2 (power acoustik) is this brand any good?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 5438
Registered: Dec-03
if the subs are 4 ohms per coil, wire the coils in parallel, and put one sub on each channel of the amp.

New member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-04
thank you very much. do you know anything about this brand, power acoustik?

New member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-04
thanks glass. do you know anything about this brand, power acoustik? please tell me if they are a big pile of bat guano

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 5448
Registered: Dec-03
guano only comes from bats, ya know :-) hehehe
I'm not that fond of power acoustik. their products are pretty low end.
However, that being said, that's my opinion, and if it works for you, that's what matters.
They tend to use "max" power ratings, so a "2400 watt" amp may really only put out about 400 watts RMS
It's pretty misleading, and several folks on this board alone have had terribly luck with reliability as well.

Bronze Member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-04
true. I think i am going to dump the poower(not a typo) acoustik and buy a different one. since i am young with no credit card iam stuck with local dealers theres only 2. they have an autotek amp that is said to have 2600 true rms. its onsale for 650.00. this a good amp?

{p.s. it seems like you know almost everything when it comes to audio how?}

Bronze Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 48
Registered: Nov-04
Hey Hunter before you buy an amp, make sure your power wiring can take it. It'll save you lot of headaches later.
If bass is what you want, then look for amps with remote bass boost. It comes in very handy.
Glass guy is a very knowledgeable guy.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 5468
Registered: Dec-03
Autotek amps, if they're as good as they were through the 90s, are still very reliable amps that put out loads of power. I haven't used any in a model year or two but I doubt much has changed.
One of our stores carried autotek actually.. being a franchise, each store had the option to carry products other stores didn't, so my shop didn't, but I saw them enough.

Anyway, I'm an EE and MECP Gold cert'ed installer. been at this for about fifteen years.
I don't work in the industry any longer though, so now it's really just a hobby for me.

Bronze Member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-04
yo isaac, your right i didn't think of that, my wiring now is only good to 1400 watts. were can i get a good, not so exspensive wiring kit

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 5479
Registered: Dec-03

Bronze Member
Username: Hdubb

Farminton, Nm Usa

Post Number: 17
Registered: Nov-04
thanks glass
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