Can someone please explain the theory and effectiveness of using polyfill in a box and how one would go about doing it correctly? Any special conditions that would not allow the use of it? Does it pose a big dif?
polyfill essentially slows soundwaves giving the impression that the box is about 10% larger tahn it actaully is to the subs. It also reduces standing wave reflection which cancels waves and reduces output.
you want to use about 1 pound of polyfill for every cubic foot of box volume in a sealed box. for vented, use rolled polyfill sheets and staple gun it to the box to line the box with it about 1" thick.
can you go over board? Im currently using about 2 and a half pounds in my ported box right now....SOunds better then without, but whats a good amount? If i reduce it to 2 pounds straight will spl improve?