Unregistered guest | I bought a used car that came with an Automate 435 alarm system. I printed out the owner's guide from www.directed.com but it does not explain how to set it to "Active Mode". Right now, the alarm sets itself after 30 seconds of inactivity, and I don't want this. Also, the parking lights do not flash when arming/disarming, but this may need to be changed profesionally. Does anyone have any advice? |
Briana Unregistered guest | I lost the beeper thing to my automate alarm for my car, where would I be able to get another one for that same alarm system?? |
SteveD Unregistered guest | I'm in the same situation. Bought a used car with an Automate 435. The remotes do not work. The alarm is now set in valet mode to keep it from arming on me. Not sure if the alarm needs reprogramming or the remotes are faulty. Anyone have tech specs on this? New remotes can be purchased wherever they sell the alarm or at remotesunlimited.com |
Unregistered guest | I to bought a used truck and it has this automate 435 with passive arming. I do not want this feature either is there a way to reprogram this alarm. I do have a valet button under my dash. |
m. chavez Unregistered guest | fyi, i used to install alarms but years ago and i forgot the programming process due to new updated alarms. Directechs.com only offers owners manuals and not the install guides which shows the programing seequence. i used to have the password to log on but has changed since. i too need this automate 435 install guide. best bet is to go to an alarm shop and have it done for you. |
m. chavez Unregistered guest | actually i think i found the info needed. -turn key on -find alarm valet buton and press/depress once and once again and hold it -while holding valet button, press lock button on remote and light/horn will sound. if so you are done. if not try again starting over from beginning. |
New member Username: The_techmenHayward, Ca Alameda Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | yes you got the right answer or info for the 435 system |
Unregistered guest | how do you prgram a new remote?? |
Unregistered guest | Automate model 3+. How can I disarm the automatic door locking feature after the car is started? |
Unregistered guest | I have the same problem, I bought a truck with an AutoMAte alarm. Where can I find out what model I have. Will the above instructions work for most AutoMate's? |
SP Unregistered guest | I have the Automate 435 Installation Manual in pdf format. It is about 1.3mb if ayone wants it, just leave your e-mail address and I will send it to you. |
Unregistered guest | You can send the pdf to gchambers01@msn.com |
Unregistered guest | Can you please send it to me too. fleabag805@hotmail.com thank you. |
Unregistered guest | I would also appreciate the manual sent to my address if possible? Thanks! |
gogreen Unregistered guest | Wow! I found a place to ask about Automate Alarms! I can not find out how to get the aux. lights and taillights from staying on. I think the alarm system is also engaging the electronic trunk opener every 2 to 3 minutes. This all started this week when the cars battery died and I disconnected it and reconnected it. I also 'jumped' the car a couple of times. I can not find a fuse any where. I have turned on the ignition and switched the valet switch under the dash with no help. Can anyone help? I don't know the model number. It was installed by the Dodge dealership brand new in 1990. (Yes, the car is a 1990 Dodge Dynasty. I installed a new battery and was ready to sell the car when this problem arose.) Jim gogreen at m s u dot e d u (take out the spaces.) |
gogreen Unregistered guest | My wife pointed out the Dodge file folder and I found the original Owner's Guide to the AM-5 Auto-Mate Alarm! I will try disarming the alarm with the instruction. Jim |
Unregistered guest | I bought a used Jeep Wrangler with an Automate 435 system installed. I have the manuals, the remote controls and have located the valet switch. My question, not answered by the manual or changed with the valet switch is how do I decrease sensitivity? I want to know if someone is trying to rip off my spare but don't care to have my car tell me the wind is blowing! Any ideas? My email is tleach26@comcast.net. Thanx, Terry |
Unregistered guest | I have a '93 Honda Accord with an Auto-Mate 3 alarm system. My battery is dead and I can't charge the battery without the alarm going off. I can't start the car either. The instructions that I got from a local service said to turn ingnition to "on", press valet button, turn ingnition to "off" and press valet button again. It didn't work. Help! I'm stranded! |
kickasskirby Unregistered guest | i dont know what kind of auto mate i have, all i know is i have another remote for it, but i have a toggle switch instead of a button, im pretty sure this works the same way, and i will try to reprograhm tonight, if anyone can tell me what kind of model i have for my car, that would be great, and how to reprograhm my remotes. -99 Chevy Lumina |
Unregistered guest | I bought a used 1999 toyota Camry that came with the Automate model 435. When the alarm is activated it does not activate the doors lock. on the other hand if I lock the doors manually it does unlock the doors when the alarm is deactivated. Any sugestions. |
New member Username: Netranger007Post Number: 2 Registered: Dec-04 | SP can you send me a copy at hadway@yahoo.com? THANKS! |
Unregistered guest | Can you send me a copy also? Thank you Falv125@aol.com |
Unregistered guest | Can anyone who has the Automate 435 Installation Manual send me a copy. s_sanz@email.com Thanks. |
Unregistered guest | If someone would the 435 installation manual this way it could help me a lot... mann88k@hotmail.com |
Unregistered guest | Is there anywhere to download a user manaual for a automate model 552, the car only came with a french version. |
Unregistered guest | Can anyone send me Automate 435 Installation Manual. pvvky@yahoo.com |
Awrang Unregistered guest | Hi SP, I would appreciate a pdf copy of the 435 install as well. Thanks ![]() |
Bryba Unregistered guest | Hi SP, I could also use a pdf copy of the 435 Manual. Thanks, brad_ryba@yahoo.com |
Jerseydirt Unregistered guest | I would also appreciate a copy of the manual in PDF. Thanks a lot. jerseydirt@yahoo.com |
New member Username: Shane2219Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | I am hooking up a remote start car alarm can anyone give me the wiring diagram for a 2005 dodge ram quad cab 4x4 with a hemi engine? I know where the wires are located I just need to know what colors the stuff is. Please help me, Thank you. |
subaru man Unregistered guest | could you send a copy of the manual to bwolk@risd.edu |
Randal Unregistered guest | please send a copy of the install manual to sciballer@yahoo.com thanks |
Unregistered guest | I'll take a copy of the manual if anyone else has it. vconfi@hotmail.com. Thanks!! |
Unregistered guest | I could also use a copy. boehmgraphics@gmail.com |
Unregistered guest | I have a 98 Chevy Blazer I bought used with an automate alarm installed in it with the automatic start feature. My problem is that it will randomly "kill-switch" my car. Meaning, that when I put the key in and start it, it will begin to start then turms the engine off. It takes exactly 10 minutes for the security light in the dash to turn off. At that point I can start the car. Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on? PLEASE help! It sucks learning how long a 10 minute wait really is!!!! |
kickasskirby Unregistered guest | i learned that most of the earlier auto mate car systems, have a thing called "scratch remote codes", wich in turn means that it is non programable, i call directed electronics a couple of diffrent time, and it is all the same, they are all scratch remote coded, so the best advice i can give is to buy a new system, i bought a hornet 435B i belive, it hooked all to the same wires, except for everything that was positive was negative on the new brain, so i needed a bunch of relays, if you need any wiring helpo, i can try my best, just post on ehre and i will get back to you |
dbillsdmd Unregistered guest | Could someone please send a copy of the manual to dbillsdmd@hotmail.com. Thanks. |
New member Username: MinklingPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | My mom has this installed in a 2002 Honda CRV and somehow she has managed to disable the chirp. Can someone email me the installation/programming manual at haznospammink@gmail.com. just remove the nospam thanks!! |
New member Username: Peterz3Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | I just bought a BMW with an Automate 435 system and would appreciate it if anyone who has a copy of the Installation Manual would email me a copy at sml180@yahoo.com. Thanks, Peter |
New member Username: Peterz3Post Number: 2 Registered: Oct-05 | Does anyone know what the Valet Switch for an Automate 435 looks like? and where is it normally located? I just bought a 2000 BMW Z3 and can't seem to find it so that I can deactivate the Passive Alarm. Thanks, Peter |
Anonymous | Not sure it will help, the phone number for Automate is (800)477-1372. Their service department helped me with the 415 model. |
Nikonboy1 Unregistered guest | Please send me the .pdf nikonboy@swbell.net Thanks |
cox anderson Unregistered guest | I am another person who would appreciate a copy of the automate 435 Installation manual. cox_anderson@yahoo.com |
ycause Unregistered guest | Could someone send the install manual my way please...Thanks ycausedavesays@aol.com |
bluchsin Unregistered guest | Could someone please send a install manual. Thanks. bluchsin@yahoo.com |
Unregistered guest | If anyone has an instruction manual for the automate 552 I would apprecite a copy if not I'll take the 435 and I'll see if the codes are similiar....thanks. Really need the info as I bought a used car with the unit in it and Directed won't provide any info |
Unregistered guest | Would appreciate an installation manual for the Automate 552. If no one has it, I would appreciate a copy of the 435 as i can see if the codes are similar. I bought a used car with the 552 in it and Directed won't give me any info on it. Thanks, jnicot7736@aol.com |
Unregistered guest | SP I would appreciate a copy of the 435 installation manual. Please send one to eagle7374@charter.net |
uglyrabbit Unregistered guest | http://www.directechs.com/guides/manuals/ig/automate/n435A.pdf |
Unregistered guest | I'd like a copy of the Automate 435 manual as well. I have a 1990 Dodge Dynasty that had to be hauled off because we couldn't get it to start. We used the automatic door lock, we don't have the remote. Now we can't get the engine to start. Any ideas? i014582@juno.com |
jollybgood Unregistered guest | I would appreciate it if someone here could send me the installation manual pdf as well. My email is jollybgood@mac.com. I bought a used conversion van and have no idea how to sue the automate alarm. |
Silver Member Username: Ps1k0Post Number: 234 Registered: Aug-04 | uglyrabbit posted a link for it. |
Unregistered guest | SP can you please send me a pdf file for the alarm. thank you very much. |
lcleav68@aol.com Unregistered guest | PLEASE SEND THE 435 MANUAL TO LCLEAV68@aol.com thanks |
philljus Unregistered guest | If someone still has the 435 installation manual i would greatly apprecaite it. I bought a used care and it has the 435 but they didn't have any of the remotes. my email is philljus@onid.orst.edu thanks |
William Cook Unregistered guest | I have an 01 explorer with automate alarm with remote start it seems to be stuck in a valet mode (no chirps when arming and disarming, it seems like it is just keyless entry now, led on always) I dont know what model cause the dealer installed it when I purchased the car new. it worked until recently. I live in Chicago and the car has already been screwed with and the alarm didnt go off. Any ideas anyone? |
Unregistered guest | Does anyone know where I can find a remote for the Automate 435. I have one but it's in bad shape and dont want to take the risk of losing that one without a back up or two. Plus my girlfriend is always doing something screwy with the truck so it would also stop me from having to come out and disarm the thing when she leaves the lights on at wal- mart or the mall or where ever girlfriends go. Im sure you guys know what I mean |
MK3 Unregistered guest | If anybody has the Automate 435 Installation Guide, please send it to mnlmak3@earthlink.net Would really appreciate it. Thanks. |
New member Username: HamptonaPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I have an Automate 435 and my door lock relay switch went bad, so I replaced it....my door locks still do not work. I think that I need to reset the system somehow...If anyone knows how to fix this please post the answer. THANKS |
New member Username: Gwalker29Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I have 2000 mercury mountaineer that has a automate 415. I have only one remote that works both the factory alarm and the automate. I need to know how to reset the alarm, I have disconneted the cables from it but nothing. If someone could email the manual at gwalker29@yahoo |
New member Username: WinniecPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | o wow, I can't even find a dealer that knows how to rewire it, but yes. I have an automate 415 in a '94 Honda Prelude, but I messed up the wiring. So it anybody would happen to have a wiring diagram or something close to it, I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks. E-mail: lil_dragn_girl@yahoo.com |
New member Username: WinniecPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-06 | wait I'm sorry, a RPN491? |
New member Username: CfgPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | I bought a blazer with the AutoMate 435 in it, and was on Valet when i bought it, recently had the remotes replaced and horn as well... Come to find out that with all the documents for it that i got with the truck, the one i need is missing... Would appreciate some help with an owners manual for it so i can program to my needs now, 2 Yrs later and it FINALLY works ! If anyone happens to have one, can ya e-mail it to me PLEASE !??.. whythottfire31@hotmail.com with the header "AutoMate" in case it bounces to junk mail on accident. Thnx. |
New member Username: Jbuen_2000CA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Can anybody knows how to turn off the alarm, everytime I lock the door and reopen the light blink and the alarm trigger, I lost my manual. Can anybody send me the PDF manual the model 435 ASAP to my email. Thanks. |
New member Username: RichcaPost Number: 2 Registered: May-06 | I WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE AUTO-MATE 435 OPERATIONS GUIDE RICHCALLEN@COMCAST.NET |
New member Username: MordecaiPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE AUTO-MATE 435 OPERATIONS GUIDE renae_mordecai@yahoo.com |
New member Username: Sraz101Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | I would like a copy of the AutoMate Install Guide for the 435 and AM7 if anyone has them. Thank you! sraz101@optonline.net |
New member Username: StrongdieselPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | Could someone please send me a pdf copy of a Automate 435 Installation Manual. Thanks!!! strongdiesel@Aol.com |
New member Username: StrongdieselPost Number: 2 Registered: Jun-06 | Never mind guys. uglyrabbit posted the link I needed |
New member Username: 912lpPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | I need instructions to change the setting on the AutoMate remote. I want to stop the horn from blowing when I unlock the doors. Thanks lrpttrsn@aol.com |
New member Username: DjnanavPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi, can you send me the pdf file. Hope you'll get the message. djnanav@yahoo.com |
New member Username: DjnanavPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-06 | Sorry, just found the link for it. Thanks for posting it. |