This is most likly the best question ever asked on this message board!!!
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Ok then... All i hear on this message board is this sounds better than that...i like this better...and there is no way yours is better that mine!!! guys have help me a lot in the past and i thank you.
everyone that reads this needs to listen to anything that comes out of this thread.
What amps have you (glasswolf, derek, anyone else) ever actually put on a scope??? What type of results did you get out of these amps???
I have owned and installed quite a few amps in the past and i keep running into people that hate some brands but have never actually heard it....i have to just laugh at them....sure you would too....
with amplifiers in particular the main things that make some better than others is that better amps are more transparent, adding less coloration to the output stage, and they are made with better components, which means better power supplies, output stages, etc so that they perform better, have better efficiency, last longer without failing, have lower failure rates, they often offer superior features to the cheaper brands, are backed better by their companies, and other things like that. the list goes on. there are differences though. with class D, faster switching and higher sampling rates, with class AB, lower zero-point switch-over distortion, and so forth.
what have I owned? when I started, coustic, before I knew better. onec I did know better, Orion, Sinfoni, Zapco, McIntosh. What have I torn apart, worked on, and had on a scope? nearly everything. The shop where I worked was an authorized repair center for everything we carried and then some, and we took in a lot of stuff other than what we carried. what we did sell was orion, alpine, jvc, counstic, pioneer premiere, boston acoustics, eclipse, PPI, kicker, phoenix gold. also auth'ed repair for kenwood and sony as well which we dropped due to poor reliability and difficulty in getting parts.