Ok, I need some help selecting speakers. Unfortunately with my budget I need to stay away from components cause I can't afford the amp needed for them. I need preferably 3 way speakers, size of 5 1/4, 6 1/2 or 6 3/4. The infinities that I thougth I was going to be able to use are too high, The speaker can't have a mount top height of more than 3/8" per my trucks specs. Which of these would be best to concider:
Rockford Fosgate Pioneer Kicker Kenwood
those are the ones from Crutchfields page that they say will fit my truck, What do you think, if you have any suggestions, I welcome them
The square subs are what Kicker is debatable about. Pioneer speakers are ok, Kenwood sucks, RF isn't that great for speakers. Kickers are pretty good IMO. You should listen if you get the chance.