Jonathan, you know fairly well what I'm looking for and i need some more help yet again. Anyone else who is knowledgeable is more than welcome to cast their opinion as well. I'll have 2 RF T1's soon and am still looking for a good box. Subzone and zero didn't have anything very close to the .75 cu. ft. recomended on rf's site. I found 2 box's to hold the 2 12"s though and was hoping for insight on if they'd hold up or be any good. I can get a Q-Logic box with .85 Cu. Ft. per side for $114.99+ or I can get a XScorpion box with .7 cu. ft. per side for $59+. Would either of these brands be good , would one or both fall apart after a year or 2? If both are okay which would sound better with the T10001bd amp i have also decided on?
And, not to question your judgement, but when i first looked at their site I thought the T5102 was for 2 10" (102) where as I have 2 12" subs. But, hey, you're the boss, boss.
Got the part #s mixed up, sorry, you're looking for the MTD 12, which is .90x2, which will be even closer to .75x2 after sub displacement, so all is well. I'm going to try to find you something, just wanted to post that real quick so you won't find one and order it.
Can't find that box anywhere, geez. If I find one, I'll let you know tomorrow. Check the depth of that Rockford sub, by the way, that way I'll know if that box above will work, it may not. That Q-Logic would be fine if you make sure to seal around all the edges and terminal cup, can't remember if they're made of 3/4" MDF though. Just better safe than sorry, Subzero tends to make a better box.
Depth Bottom Mount is 6.7 In. And the Q-Logic box is constructed of 5/8" MDF, with a second MDF panel adhered to the back of the front panel to provide the mounting surface for the woofer. So I take it that that would not be sufficiently thick enough?
Well, if I can't find a suitable box for it would I be better off just getting one Brahma 12" since the box would be no prob in finding and if so what amp would be best for that?