Ok, question, I know if you run multiple amps, you can wire them up using a multi amp wire kit. I am looking to do a RF T10001b amp for my subs and a MTX Thunder342 for the components I am putting in the front. Using Crutchfield, it was suggested the amp wire kit for the RF amp was a 1/0 gauge kit and the wire kit for the MTX was a 4 gauge kit. If I wanted to do a multi setup and wanted to do a distribution block for power and ground, how do I do that with both amps requiring a different gauge wiring system?
Use the 1 gauge from the battery to the dist block and then the appropriate size from the block to each amp (and crossovers and whatever). Make sure you fuse your main power as close to the battery as possible and use correct fuse sizes for each wire out of the dist block.
thank you. The larger amp requires a 1/0 wire and a 200A fuse. If I do the 1/0 wire with a 200A fuse from the battery to the dist block, can I put a 200A fuse on the 1/0 line from the blcok to that amp then an 80A fuse on a 4 gauge wire to the smaller amp? Will that work?
Also, I can find a distribution block that will accept a 1/0 gauge wire as input but I can't seem to fine one that will accept that as input and allow a 1/0 gauge wire as output. Can anyone suggest one for me?
You might get away with running both 200A and 80A lines from a main line with a 200A fuse on it if the fuse values recommended leave headroom and you don't push your amps too hard, but you might just keep blowing your main fuse. Also...did you mention using a dist. block for your ground wires?