does anyone know the minimum port area or how to find it for an xxx12? I'm looking to go ~2.1cuft at 28hz.
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i'd say at least 6in pvc or an equivelent square keep port noise down.
those subs displace ALOT of air, if you use a small port (ex: 3 in) then the air velocity at the port will be very high...this translates into port noise (that little huffing or whistling sound we all JUST LOVE )
I was told by someone to have atleast 40in^2 but I cant seem to calculate a port that will have that area and 28hz tuning and still fit the size and shape of the box I want.
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a rectrangular port that is 10" x 4" would be 40in^2...
BUT, a port that size would have to be ~60in long in a 2.1 cuft box!!!
Would changing the box size of a ported box change how the sub will sound? 2.1cuft is what RE recomends for SQ and that is what I was looking for. The best combo that I have found would be 2.5"x17.75" that gives me a length of 51.25" but that is still way too long.