Suggestions (amp for hex series components)?


Im planning to get a set of 5 1/4 & 6 1/2 hex series components. I would like to stick with the d7 series of amp for the reason that I allready have a d7 amp for my sub. Any suggestions for an amp that will push the mids & highs?

That will be the diamond audio amp for the message above.

New member
Username: 01gsxr

Post Number: 68
Registered: 01-2004
If your gowing to go with the D7 get the D7 7104. Its 100wats x4 rms at 4ohms, great amp. I just picked up of hex a600 and a600 3 ways for the front the 3 ways had to be special order becouse i didnt want another set of tweeters, I wanted 4In . so I have 4 6 1/2 2 tweeters and 2 4in in the front and a set of diamond 6/9 in the rear just for rear fade,but im still dec on a good amp to. I want to run 150 wats rms to each each set of components I think Im going to get 2 jl 500/2. But for what your going to run the d7 7104 will do fine.

New member
Username: 01gsxr

Post Number: 69
Registered: 01-2004
Im sorry the jl amp is the 300/2 150 wats rms at 4ohm

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Username: Newb

Post Number: 73
Registered: 12-2003
damn keith 150w rms to ur components, guess u gotta have alot to balance out those 13w7's eh?

New member
Username: 01gsxr

Post Number: 70
Registered: 01-2004
Ya chas Diamond hex calls for 120-150 rms power so thats what I wanted to give them.I cant weight for every thing to be done. I was talking to wolf about alternators,He said I need A 300 amp alt,thats hard to fine. were were also talting about subsonick filters, and If you remove them will you get a greater spl level, Just for compatichion. What do you think? also wolf and I were talking about boxs for the Jls.Jl sed that with a ported box I can get 3 to 4 Db more vs seald box,I dont think I have the room for 2 13w7 in a ported box in the Ty. do you no how much 3db is in spl?

New member
Username: Newb

Post Number: 74
Registered: 12-2003
lol well hopefully ull win some comps if u invested $10k in audio. u been to any soundoffs lately? well if u goin 4 spl comp the ported prolly better for u 3dbl is supposed to be alot, if u havent read this threa its funny
Dont have room wth, u gotta suv man. btw max spl is supposedly better with a bandpass box but they take a lotta room and i hear they have no margin for error in their design

New member
Username: 01gsxr

Post Number: 72
Registered: 01-2004
no sound off yet system is still in the works. Just got my 13w7. Still need amps and alternator
and coast of instal.the deck nav and tvs were 5000$ alone, didnt leave me much of a chance to get beter subs or amps. I just want a preaty good system that sound great, good mids and highs,seams as I get older thats more apealing then just base, but I also want to be able to go to some local sound off and come home with some trophies.
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