Ok, I have one sub wiring kit that is a crappy brand, but it's supposed to be good for 1000 watts. It says the speaker wire that came with it is supposed to be 12 gauge. I also have a rockford-fosgate wiring kit for a 600 watt amp, and the speaker wire is supposed to be 16 gauge. The problem is, both wires are the same size, the 12 just has a thicker coating. I don't know if they both are 16 though, they look more like 14, mayyybeee, but probably 16. Anyways, I had the fosgate speaker wires hooked up to my sub and then to a 620 watt mtx amp, wich is a little underrated, and was tested to push about 325 watts rms at 2 ohms. Anways, I think the 16 gauge speaker wire might be too small. Will i notice that much of a difference if I were to go to 12 gauge?