New member Username: RainyPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-04 | I just turned 16 and I got a 2000 Ford explorer sport and I want to get a system in it asap. The only problem is I know almost nothing about car audio. The only thing I'm sure of is that I want a system that will hit hard. So any advice as far as what to get/wiring/exc for a newbie would be great. Also I'm not looking to spend a great deal of money on it seeing as how Im going to leave for college in 2 years. thanks |
Anonymous | 4 s15l7, 2 k1200.1 amp, port them, if thats too pricey get 2 s15l7s or 2 s12l7s, you will resurrect jesus again....if solos arent your cup of about 4 compVR 12's? shieeet, if ur not into kicker then go get some Brahmas and bang bang bang bang bang, all will bang |
Anonymous | 4 s15l7, 2 k1200.1 amp, port them, if thats too pricey get 2 s15l7s or 2 s12l7s, you will resurrect jesus again....if solos arent your cup of about 4 compVR 12's? shieeet, if ur not into kicker then go get some Brahmas and bang bang bang bang bang, all will bang |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-04 | ok a lot of that is foreign language but I understand some of it. Like since Im new to this I know for sure I want subs but most likley not speakers coz the speakers in it are already halfway decent. For subs, i need the box, subs, and a few other things...? |
Bronze Member Username: Erik123456Arlington, Tx Post Number: 98 Registered: Aug-04 | if i were you id pick between vmax adire or infinity and get 2 12's in a ported box with a decent amp like the 600 kicker this will cost you a ton less than getting something like the 4 subs he suggested with the remaining money you could get a nice security system so the kids at your school dont thug your stuff at my school stuff got broken into all the time |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 3 Registered: Sep-04 | So I need box, subs, and amp. Then how hard is wiring and what not? |
Anonymous | not hard, but i dunno how smart u are.... |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 4 Registered: Sep-04 | Well as i said im completely new to car audio stuff. I can put a computer together if that helps... |
Silver Member Username: JmloughreyFarmington, CT Post Number: 354 Registered: Jul-04 | car audio is fairly easy if you read up on it and take your time, see if you can find a friend that knows alot about it...hell, read here for a month and you'll understand a whole lot mroe then you did that month before...dont rush into getting a system, youll pay for it i am |
Silver Member Username: JtbPost Number: 117 Registered: Jun-04 | How much money do you have to spend, and do you want your system to be geared more toward sound quality or being loud? |
Anonymous | GO SPL, sound quality is for speakers, SUBS ARE FOR LOUDNESS, LOUDNESS I TELL YOU! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!MUAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I cant hear anythnig...... |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 5 Registered: Sep-04 | well from looking at numerous posts in the past few days I think I may want to get some of those Adire Shivas. I have only heard great things about them so... If anyone has a site that has info on subs and what all the specs mean plz post it!!! thnank you everyone for your input! |
Bronze Member Username: Bryanwalsh524Post Number: 30 Registered: Sep-04 | Brian Smith...... Whats your email? or aim if you have it. |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 6 Registered: Sep-04 | |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1018 Registered: Dec-03 | ok for shivas, get a pair of shivas $125 each get a JBL BP600.1 or kx600.1 to power them $220 or so each a dual sealed box, 1.75 cubic feet each stuffed with 1.75 pounds of polyfill, gives nice protection against standing wave reflection have one of these made $150 or make yourself, $35 head unit: probly dont wanna go cheap here, its the center of your system...go with alpine, eclipse or clarion here, all make excellent head units speakers, you can get away with not spending a ton here, look for some nice coaxials if you dont want to spend a whole lot, like infinity refence coaxials are alright, ideal would be a pair of components - CDT, MB Quart, Focal or infinity kappa perfect to be precise and an amp to power those, something like a 60-100x2 amp to power the components i know youll have questions about my post, so ask away |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 7 Registered: Sep-04 | ya bacon, your right. Lots of questions.. lol the JBL BP600.1, what exactly is that? whats the head unit? Also Im not lookin to spend a whole lot, Ill have this system for 2 years and then probably sell it, So I dont think im going to get speakers or at least not yet. thx for you post |
Bronze Member Username: Bryanwalsh524Post Number: 31 Registered: Sep-04 | you dont need 2 shivas which i have been told by many people in a different thread..... get a box of ebay brrand new cheap. |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 214 Registered: Sep-04 | Well, you do need 2, no one every said that 2 isn't good or better! Especially when you've got room in an SUV. |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 215 Registered: Sep-04 | *Correction* Meant to say: You "don't" NEED 2, but noone every said that 2 isn't good or better than 1. Especially when you've got room in an SUV. |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 8 Registered: Sep-04 | hell yes. I wanna get 2 shivas for sure now, and the rest I dun really care we works. For boxs/cases we you call em, whats the importance of more expensive ones and what not? |
Bronze Member Username: Zacdavis~Post Number: 34 Registered: Sep-04 | shivas suck if you haven't heard'em, go to your local stereo shop and listen to what sounds good to you!!!!!not what someone says on this forum, yes we can give you good advice but it seems most everyone has their own opinion on brands, whats that tell ya?... go out and make your own opinion!!!!!and tell us what you think when you find a brand or model you like. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 1732 Registered: May-04 | So that means if you have heard them they don't suck? What's your opinion based on anyway? And remember that it's YOUR opinion that Shivas suck, a lot of people around here have the Shiva and are very pleased with it. IMO the Shiva is an excellent sub, especially for $125 bucks. Not a lot you can find for $125 that will be a lot better than a Shiva, especially in a shop. |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 121 Registered: Sep-04 | Cmon zac. Sony Xplods are gonna sound good to him at first. He's here for advice. Here's mine. I have a '96 Ford Explorer Sport and was looking into getting some Shivas. Most people who are interested in SPL(loud) systems go with a ported box which I tell you right now is gonna eat up a good deal of your cargo space in that Explorer, as in 3 cubic feet + a side for the Adire Alignment. You could go with a simple sealed box and save room but I'm not entirely sure its gonna be loud enough for ya. It would be perefct for me but if you just want bass that hurts you could probably find other 12's which don't need such a big box yet are as "loud". Maybe Jonathan could recommend something, he seems to know the Adire stuff. Oh and it would help if you put an exact figure on what your willing to spend on your system. -Fishy |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 9 Registered: Sep-04 | somewhere less around 900 for subs, case, deck, and amp. And ill i have right now is 250 for sure spent on some shivas so thats 650. I may spend higher just depends. |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 122 Registered: Sep-04 | Is cargo space important to you? Because if its not, I've never heard the Shivas, but just about everyone here seems to like those subs especially for budget projects. They just need a bigger box. Hell a sealed box probably would be loud enough for you anyways and it would be primo for sound quality. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 123 Registered: Sep-04 | Plus if you plan on building the box yourself sealed is much easier. If it ain't loud enough you can always do a ported box later on. -Fishy |
New member Username: RainyPost Number: 10 Registered: Sep-04 | cargo space is not an issure for me, i only use the abck fro boos and backpacks |
Bronze Member Username: RainyPost Number: 11 Registered: Sep-04 | K i found the subs i want (shivas) I found a box on ebay that I want. I just had quetions on amps and wiring. For amps, whats the diffrence between digital, mono, multi channel, exc? and for wiring, I need to buy wiring as an accessory right? |
Anonymous | You can get the wiring kit at Get the 4 gague wiring kit. It's $30 + $7.5 for shipping (A great deal, you'll pay $60 and up at most audio shops and this is quality stuff. I've bought 2 kits from them, as good if not better than the kits I've sold) For those 2 subs you're going to want to get a Mono amp that puts out 600w-800w @ 2ohms. You're looking for something from MTX, JBL, Alpine, Memphis, Kicker, Xtant, Cadence, Diamond, Directed, Eclipse and should cost you at leaste $220 before shipping. I'm not gonna throw it in your lap, go do some looking and see what you come up with! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Audiobahn_manFreakmont, MI Post Number: 93 Registered: Aug-04 | yea since you will be running around 600w rms, just get a standard 8 gage kit, but if you want to beef it up alittle go with a 4 gage kit. Digital amps are higher grade amps, mono means there is only one - and one +, so you either have to wire your subs in a series together or in parrellel together, multi-channel amps have more than one + and one -, for your set up with the shivas, get a 2 channel amp and have the shivas be single voice coil (SVC)If you have troubles with the wiring just take it to best buy or a local audio shop and they could help you out fast. I have 2 V-MAXX's which are very similair to the shivas and i run a 1200W kicker 2 channel amp(you prolly wont need that amount of power)I dont know much about caps, but i got one just incase and it works fine, if you dont know what a cap is, it stores energy so when the bass hits it doesnt drain your elctrical system. GOOD LUCK! |
Bronze Member Username: RainyPost Number: 12 Registered: Sep-04 | all the mono amps at 600w-800w are aroudn $500, anyone got good sites to go to? I keep googling all the manufacturers you named |
Bronze Member Username: RainyPost Number: 13 Registered: Sep-04 | Oh one more question. what diffrence does a lower watt amp make compared to a higher watt amp. Is it sound volume, quality, exc? |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 243 Registered: Sep-04 | Steven, what are you talking about? You're mis directing this guy. Anon has it pretty well figured out. Get the 4 gauge wiring kit as above. Do not get a 2 channel amp for the Shivas, finding one that puts out 300W rms (4ohm)per channel will be expensive. The Shivas only come in a Dual 8ohm voice coil configuration. You'll want a mono amplifier as stated above that puts out 600-800w at 2ohms. Try the Kicker KX600.1 or MTX801d. And don't get a cap |
Bronze Member Username: RainyPost Number: 14 Registered: Sep-04 | ok its all starting to make a little more sense. BTW how much do one of thsoe amps you mentioned cost generally? Im having a hard time finding all these exact amps and their prices. |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 138 Registered: Sep-04 | Is that box you found on Ebay ported or sealed? If its sealed you can get away with anything close to 1.75 cu ft a side, but you usually have to match ported boxes exactly with the speaker. If that box is ported and not built specifically for the Shivas it could very well end up sounding like crapola. As far as power goes you don't have to have a ton. There's a video on Adire of the Shiva running at 60w rms I think. So if you want to save a lil money by skimping on power fine, but make sure you still buy a brand such as listed by Anon. Rememember if you're going sealed you'll need more power to get the same output however. You can get a quality 600 w amp for just a lil more than say a 300. I personally would wait and save up the extra if you're finding yourself short of money in the amp department. Lower power should still be "loud" with the Shiva, but the bass just won't be as "tight" nor hit as hard. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 139 Registered: Sep-04 | I mean back in the day I heard a pair of Punch Series 1(I think) 12's in a Ford Ranger that were "loud" as hell running off a Punch 45 at 22.5, yes 22.5 watts per channel. It wasn't tight, it didn't hit "hard" and it didn't hit low, but it sure produced a respectable sound level nevertheless. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: HeavybHopkins, Sc Usa Post Number: 127 Registered: Jul-04 | go on ebay and look at the kickers and mtxs they are both about 250 new |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 12 Registered: Sep-04 | This was helpful to me as well i was trying to get a system fast and get one that can hit VERY hard if i wanted it to. So i was going with a amp that could do 2300/3000 (rms/peak) and two subs Pioneer TS-W2000SPL 12" Premier Subwoofer at 750/2000 (rms/peak) now the amp which i found online at an incredible price 300 instead of stores at like 500 or so and each sub is about 125 onlinne. I would get like a seperate amp for speakers 300rms 500max, but maybe im going in the wrong direction i found this stuff at and their prices are very good. Now two questions this setuup bad or good? i want a system to hit hard im not really satisfied with the shivas they dont have enough rms/watts (greedy me :S) lol. 2. getting a 4 gauge kit would give you a 60/A fuse is that bad if your amp only puts out say 40Amps? (8 gauge) |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 244 Registered: Sep-04 | The Kicker KX600.1 and the MTX 801d can be found on Ebay for about $260 |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 14 Registered: Sep-04 | I like the mtx but i prefer the 1501D maybe its 125 more but it has 1500 watts is the wattage rms? it dosnt say like the 801d is 800watts But then i would need another amp for my speaker ERRR. and this amp is a little pricy 340$ with shipping about. What Sub would you recommend for this i want two 12" subs or maybe 1 12" if you think it could hit harder then 2 12"s Thanks Maybe the pioneer i was looking at the amp would work perfect, 1500rms for both if thats the rms for the amp and not the MAx |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 144 Registered: Sep-04 | Tyson Just because a speaker has a higher RMS rating doesn't mean its going to hit harder. It all depends on the application. Personally the only time I'd go looking for a higher RMS rating would be if the amplifier I was using demanded it. In many cases subs with lower RMS ratings are actually more efficient. For example: the Series 1's above running off a Punch 45. Subs are a TRANSDUCER. They don't produce power. They TRANSDUCE it. -Fishy |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 15 Registered: Sep-04 | Yah your right heh i keep thinking that 800 watt sub <max> like 350 rms wont hit hard im just greedy (my freind has this) and it hits way hard i just want mine a little harder so i can keep down the vocal sound down and still feel that much punch. As for the 800 watt amp whats the rms value or is that it ill look online at this product to try to find it. Need to find a matching good subwoofer now thanks! for the box i was gona just get a dual square box for 20 off ebay. Now know any good Subwoofers probly stated one above ill reread this article Thanks. Again is it bad to use a say 60 amp fuse when your amp puts out 40? i need to buy a wiring kit for it i need to know what gauge to get. probly 4 |
Bronze Member Username: Zacdavis~Post Number: 36 Registered: Sep-04 | i have a ford explorer that has one 10" audiobahn aw-1005x and one d200hc mmats amp, it is in a ported pre-fab Hooker box, it does a 142.1 on a term lab. what my point is, rather than buy two medium duty subs due to budget, why not buy one high end woofer on the same budget, then later, you can upgrade the system by simply adding matching equipment. p.s. i don't think shivas suck but i think there is definitaly better woofers for the money, thats all, such as audiopipe txxap series, digital design 1000's or 2500's, and a slew of others. my point is why not give thee advice of going out to a local shop and listen for themselves, then ask for opinions on the equipment they've already heard. |
Bronze Member Username: RainyPost Number: 15 Registered: Sep-04 | I found 2 boxes on ebay for a low cost. One sealed, one ported. As far as amps your sayin I should get one around 600w? I still only find ones that arent used for around $500, is there any cheaper? |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 245 Registered: Sep-04 | Tyson....pick the subs you want first, then the amp. Don't go pick out an amp you want and then try to find subs that will work with it. The Sub is what's going to produce that sound. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 1756 Registered: May-04 | I was just wondering your basis of why you said the Shiva "sucks". I find it has great SQ and SPL for a $125 sub, again it's just my opinion, SQ is a very subjective matter. That being said, I totally agree with your basis, better one good sub than two lesser ones definately. The most common mentality people came in the shop with was that they wanted either 2 10" or 12" subs in a sealed box, and with a limited budget, they thought they had very limited options. Why not one better 12" ported, or a 15" ported for that matter if SQ/SPL is your goal? Plus, you usually get the same or more output with less power. I think an Eclipse Aluminum with a JBL 600.1 would be nice in this case. Ported box, something like 2.5-3 cu ft net tuned to 35 for the more SPL inclined user, while still maintaining respectable SQ. |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 16 Registered: Sep-04 | k heres what i decided to get MTX THUNDER 801D 800W MONO SUBWOOFER AMP 2 x MTX 8000 12" SUB SUBWOOFER DVC T81244A DUAL 12" SUBWOOFER ENCLOSER Then a 4 gauge wiring kit this will satisfy my subs now my speakers. What sub would be good for those. cheap please. like no more then 75 with shipping lol thanks After this do i need anything to connect two amps togther any other equipment im missing? maybe a deck but im hoping the deck in the car will work ill look for a preamp out slot. i have a ipod so i dont need a good one. |
Bronze Member Username: Zacdavis~Post Number: 39 Registered: Sep-04 | agreed, as far as shiva's, i was in a mood, i own a small high end store/shop and had been dealing with some, well you know how it goes around stereo shops when dealing with people who expect ghetto, flemarket, and internet prices, and then expect you to install it for free because hey, they're buying it from you and you should be obligated, GIVE me a break, sometimes i want to put a sign on the door that says "soccer moms and dealerships only", hey, that might not be a bad idea |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 17 Registered: Sep-04 | well i really dont think shivas suck i never heard them before so i cant say anything about them sorry Ok so 1 is probly better, But i found one for about the same price as the 2 slightly more and it puts out 500/1000 rms/watts and it isnt much greater then the 2 i said i would get Power range 75-400 watts RMS ~ Peak power handling 800 watts Whihc one you think is better? |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 18 Registered: Sep-04 | sorry brian if i took this thread away :D, you could try the mtx that i was looking at its 800 watts for about 250 with shipping |
Bronze Member Username: Zacdavis~Post Number: 41 Registered: Sep-04 | i don't really think they suck, it was just a biased comment that i made without really explaining that it has rivals that equal it's perfomance for the same price, thats all, sorry. |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 255 Registered: Sep-04 | Tyson..I don't get this, what are you asking "What sub would be good for those. cheap please. like no more then 75 with shipping lol thanks " |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 19 Registered: Sep-04 | Omg typo, sorry again, ![]() I was broswing amp wiring kits if the amp is 800 watts does the kit have to be that many watts too or could i just get say a 1600 wat as long as the gauge number is the same <because> |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 146 Registered: Sep-04 | Brian. If you don't mind "used" its at 41 bucks so far. %26 It matches well with the Shivas and since it produces 600w at either 2 or 1 ohm will match up with other sub combos as well. I've never personally listened to it but it seems to be the Holy Grail for budget sub applications on these boards. -Fishy |
Bronze Member Username: RainyPost Number: 16 Registered: Sep-04 | wow, thanks fishy! thanks for all the input people! |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 1761 Registered: May-04 | I totally understand what you're saying, there are subs that rival it, I won't deny that one bit. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with your shop, hehe. Another reason I dropped Audiobahn. I ended up sticking with solely high end equipment, some people just don't understand that this hobby requires $$$ if you expect to get something good. Also a reputation thing, got tired of returns and was actually losing money on some brands (Audiobahn). We carried their low to mid end stuff to offer kids something, but that fell through and screwed us over, so we dropped them. Oh well, I'm out of the audio business now, I enjoy it so much more now that I don't have to deal with financial pressures, business practices, etc. |
Silver Member Username: A3formePost Number: 261 Registered: Sep-04 | Wow, you had busniess established ones.....something we need to work on... |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 147 Registered: Sep-04 | There's a few more BP600.1's listed there Brian. Just do a search under brand. I know "used" is kinda scary just make sure you buy from someone who has a decent rating. You can save yourself a ton. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac, FL USA Post Number: 148 Registered: Sep-04 | Oh and building a sealed box is pretty easy and could save you some more money. Remember there's shipping involved on E-Bay and boxes are big. I have an Explorer so I could figure out the dimensions for you if thats a problem. A jigsaw and a skillsaw would be enough tools. I've even built em with handsaws late at night so I don't bother the neighbors. -Fishy :P |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 1769 Registered: May-04 | Yeah, we had the "customers come first" flyer sheets hanging in a picture frame in the break room lol. But yeah, I believe firmly in good business practices, old world honestly and fairness, I believe in the end you'll get the best out of doing so. Something not widespread nowadays... |
Silver Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 653 Registered: Jun-04 | you got that right jon an i appluade your stance |
Anonymous | which makes more spl -a 1500wattrms amp with a 2 2004' L7 or a 1500wattrms with 1500wattrms amp with a 1 top of the line sub |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 20 Registered: Sep-04 | Hey again um i had a quick question, i need a sub for just speakers and i heard that legacy sucks but i found a really cheap one for 25$ online that i could use for speakers maybe? bad idea or should i still stick with a good brand thanks. NEW! LEGACY LA160 300 Watt 4 Channel Car Amp/Amplifier Also in able to connect two amps how do you wire them im acquainted with most of the stuff to do but i forgot how to connect two of them. dont you use like a power dritribution block? and connect two amps into that? |
Anonymous | If I were you, I would go with a Rockford Punch HX2 in a sealed box. You then need to buy a quality amp rated no more than 500 RMS. That will sound really nice. I would also recommend eclipse component speakers for max SQ |
Bronze Member Username: Zacdavis~Post Number: 59 Registered: Sep-04 | people, please, go out and listen to some equipment on your own, then ask someones opinion on it, trust your ear first. its like buyin a car, you wouldn't ask on a forum what car to buy and then go buy without driving it first, would ya? |
Bronze Member Username: ForcesofchaosPost Number: 26 Registered: Sep-04 | i would ;) , not really but my brother in law paid for a house without seeing it first lmao he got it off a auction for Very Cheap, but it was slightly different the reason it was for actioned because the popel didnt pay their monthly bill so the bank sold it lmao. i have listened to some subs before like kenwood punch infinity i think oone called dual and 1 other that my friend has dont know brand though oh and sony explode. :D, but yah im probly get two shiva 12" subs :D with a KICKER KX600.1 MONO CLASS-D AMPLIFIER. :D Then ill start looking for a second amp for speakers. i dont want to get new speakers because it really isnt my car and i only have it for 2 years till i leave the house for 2 years then ill come back and i may not have that car after that, during the time im gone my older brother gets the car so im gona take my system out and store it till i get back. |