I'm lookin to buying the buss PD4000 but i was wantin to know how good it was first...And what modifications would i need to make to my car so i wouldnt blow anything..?thx guyz
Um....well. The JBL 1200.1 is a little more flexible in that it can produce 1200W at 2 or 1ohm.
KX1200.1 just has different specs 300wx1(4ohm), 600Wx1(2ohm), and 1200Wx1(1ohm). I wouldn't say it was more "flexible" The MTX in my opinion has an advantage as it puts out more power @ less resistance. 750W(4ohm), 1500W(2ohm). Just depends on the application and what subs you get.
That's why I say Jacob....AGAIN....pick out your freakin subs FIRST!!! Then get the right amp. How do you plan on setting the subs up in you '69 El Camino?
Its called a truck bed with a cover and a hole in the back of the car with some selant for no leaking..lets just say i may not know much bout stero equipment for being 15 but i am one hell of a mechanic!
I know bacon.... i already got my stuff picked out i think... I think i'ma get a couple of Shivas and couple of MTX 12's.. i'm sure u all know more bout audio then me so i'm takin your advice...
Posted on
jacob....if i where you i'd go w/ a pair of shivas and a JBL BP600.1...or if you have room 4 shivas and a BP1200.1.
Truth is the MTX 1501d wouldn't power 4 of them properly, and for 2, it would be too much power. If you want 2, stick with the Kicker KX600.1 or JBL 600.1. If you want 4 use the JBL BP1200.1 or Kicker KX1200.1
Do not try to power 2 Shivas and 2 MTX subs off the same amp. If you want to run 2 differen't kinds of subs, you need to use 2 different amps IMO.
OK...now tell me.. what kind of amp/amps should i get to run 2 Shivas, 2 MTX subs and the MTX Trio.. I think i'm going to run a JBL BP 1200 for the 2 MTX subs and the MTX Trio but what should i use to run the shivas? something that would do the job and be cheap like in 100-200 dollas cheap mabey lil over
You're nuts dude. You want to run the Good amp to the "so-so" subs and you want a cheap amp for the Shivas. Yes I said get the subs first, then the amps, but that doesn't mean to go and make a bad decision on the amps. Why the hell do you want that many subs anyway? Maybe it's just a maturity thing, but I try to keep my ride as quite as possible on the outside.
First of all, can you tell me/us what model the MTX subs are?
OK mazda i didnt mean like a crappy amp for the shivas.. less u think i can only get a crappy one for round that price. but i want somethin that can push em good..According to you guyz it dont take much to push em thats why i didnt think of anything high for an amp with em..
Okay, I might have went off a little bit, my sincere appologies.
What model are the MTX subs so we can figure what they'll need to run if you even need them.
You're looking to spend about $260 on the Amp for the Shivas (at least for the ones I would use) which would be the Kicker KX600.1, MTX 801d, XTANT A6001
i know u cant..If i could then i'd prolly do it.. but i think i'ma look at Sound Solutions to see what all they have in mind sell alot of Kicker there so we'll see
Yeah, you can see what they suggest, and then buy it off the net cheaper! LOL. I think that's fun. See what these places suggest and then buy it cheaper MWUUUUUHAAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAAA. Damn I'd hate to be a salesmen.....wait, sometimes I am.
lol yea..U ever herd ron white.. and the Car Salesman? remines me of me..lol....Yea then have them install it since i no absolutely NOTHING about it..lol
The "yea then have them install it since i know absolutely NOTHING about it" is bout the buying speakers and amps off the net..
Posted on
dont you just love it when to guys at the audioshop dont have a clue about the stuff they sell!
some of them at a shop near where i live just love sony, boss, and audiobahn.....hey think audiobahn puts JL to shame! also they no one round here even knows Adire, RE, DD, and MMats even exist! its like a few of my friends and me are the only people within 200 miles that these companies even exist!!!