Has anyone ever heard this speaker cable? Is it enough better than cable like Belden 5T00UP from Bluejeanscable.com to justify the difference in price?
It will be used with NAD gear and PSB Image speakers.
Also how would the Belden 89259/89248 twisted pair interconnect (elementcable.com) versus a cheaper IC from the likes of bluejeanscable?
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Bluejeans is all you need..there's no reason to waste your money...
For your system, the Belden cables will be fine. I have a pair of Oval 12s and compared to my Canare 4s11 cables, and some 10 guage Zip cord, the 12s are an improvement. But I wouldn't actually say that you HAVE to go out and buy them. I hear Signal cable is a really good: signalcable.com