Well, I have my 5.1 speakers ready to be used with my x-box. Which is how they are supposed to work..buut, the only problem is, the cable that comes from the XBOX has to completely replace the RF signal coming from it, splitting it into video, R audio, and L audio. Great.
Well, that's good for my speakers, I'll have perfect sound. But no video. This is the tricky part...My TV only accepts RF type connection. So my problem is:
I need to be able to convert the single RCA video output to RF, even if it's only getting the video signal.
Now, I'm fairly sure an RF Modulator would do the trick, but I don't want to spend $20 on a part just to convert a single video feed.
Is there any way, that if I stripped the RCA cable and the RF cable, that I could just connect them somehow to get the video to my TV?