Can someone please point me to a box or something (willing to make) that would take a signal on Coax (currently RG-6 with video and audio) and convert it to component level? If that is not possible how about a decent product that converts coax to HD quality (component level or HDMI) for my new TV to use. As most now Comcast and others will let use buy a stripped down package without their box and then you connect COAX directly to your TV. Unfortunately, most of the signal is only analog. But, in my case if I could the signal converted to component level my receiver automatically upconverts it to HD quality for my Tv. So, again does anyone know of a product or how-to on converting coax to component level?
I'm not really qualified to explain it..but it's not possible. If it starts out as's going to stay that way... You'll have to get a cable box which has to ability to correctly decode it, unless your TV can decode the Coax signal..but I don't think IF you DO get digital it can do that.