I don't know anything about cable. Here are my questions 1) Is RG Coax superior to the yellow RCA composite jack? 2) Would using one or the other improve communication between my TIVO and Cable system? 3) Splitting RG cable into Bradband, digital cable etc. Any recos on a good 4 way digtital splitter booster?
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I am going to assume that the lack of response to this post is "there is no material difference between decent RCA and decent RG6."
RCA has worked for downloading EPG data so I will stick with that.
I will go looking for a good splitter booster and post what I find.
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RCA refers only to the type of connector. Coax can be connected (terminated) with RCA, BNC, or F (threaded) connectors. Using coax is always best for analog video signals. The Cable & Satellite Companies use RG6 or RG59 for signal distribution. Suggest you Google some of these terms for lots more information on this subject.
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I want to split a standard cable signal 6 ways, 1 high speed internet and 5 TV's. If I buy a standard directional splitter won't that weaken my signal strength. Are there any hub's or switches in the coax world like there are in the ethernet world that manages signals rather than simply splitting them?