I have read a lot about that speaker cable a lot of people seems to favor them but i really dont know how good they are they seem to be pretyy cheap in the states and i even found some place where they use wbt crimps and banana plugs while making it at the size you want them to be where the cable comes absolutely free. They seem to be a great bargain but are they really good cables some cable companies sell the same cable 3 to 4 times more expensive by adding some colored techflex and shrink. But the only con. is the shipping fee and it comes to a (as a price ) to a budget level van den hul price.
Anybody's opinion with expereince with this cable will be highly appreciated.
by the way the only place that termintates them with wbt crimps and bananas is ramelectronics btw
isnt there anybody who uses this cable pls help me out people they seem to be sold everywhere in the US i am sure somebody here tried them or compared them to the brand name cables ?
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Just did a quick search... All it is, is a 4conductor cable. How special can it be? found a place selling a 30ft lenght for 50.00US. That's about $1.70 a foot, and $1.00+ more then that cable should cost. I buy 14/4 for .25cents a foot by the 500' box.
Bottom line... don't expect any system transforming audible benifits.