I would just like to start a thread where people who use the same remote can talk to each other about problems that they're having or whatever else they want to.
I am a proud owner of a MX700. I just got it about a week ago in fact. I previously had the H/K TC1000, and the MX700 was a dream to program in comparison. I really like the MX700 so far and I am glad that I now have a lot more hard buttons.
I am actually having a problem, however, with some of my macros... if someone would like to offer their advice I would really appreciate it. I have a JVC HD52Z575 television (for which I was able to find discrete power signals) and any time I use the ON command as part of a macro, it does not work (i.e. it does not turn on the TV). It's very strange because when I manually go to the right page and issue the command from its own button, it works!
Some suspicions that I have:
The power ON command for the TV is always first in all of my macros (since the TV takes a while to warm up). So perhaps the MX700 does not do such a good job sending the first signal in a string of macro commands??
Also, has anyone ever experienced any problems with the MX700 "forgetting" its programming, i.e. data-corruption?
Well it appears that I am only talking to myself, but for anyone with the same problem... I have found the solution.
Apparently what needs to be done is you need to find a way to sustain the power ON command for a longer period of time. The solution that I read had you adjusting the length of the IR signal on a MX3000 (which allows you to alter the length of time that an IR command is sustained). Then learning that command from the MX3000 to the MX700.
Unfortunately I do not have a MX3000, but I'm hoping that the person that posted this solution will be kind enough to email his .mxf file to me. If he does, and anyone else out there needs it, let me know, I will send it along.