Hey all, I've learned a lot just reading here but haven't quite got this one..
Kinda excited about playing a Nine Inch Nails DVD-A I've got but waiting to set up the best way 1st with what I've got..
Sony NC625 5-disc DVD-V/CD Player to Pioneer VSXD510 Receiver(has all possible inputs)
I've got the dig. coax out on the dvd, and the amp's got that input as well as the 6 channels..
Will the dig. coax out decode well enough (or at all) to support the TRUE 5.1 surround mix? --(or even at a comprimised bit-rate)-- (Considering I'm not ready to just BOOYEA and go get a DVD-A player just yet...
I've read different things from: it not working at all using dig. coax because of copyrights from the dvd-a disc ; Not getting the proper rez (96 bumped down to 48 khz)...
Have we really gotten screwed again? Or are the differences so slight I'll still boast most of what the DVD-A disc has to offer?
I'm no expert but, as far as I'm aware, to get 5.1 music either in DVD-A or SACD (the format that Sony opted for) you need to make a 5.1 ANALOGUE connection or one of the newer digital connections (HDMI, Denon-link etc.). This is for no other reason than that they don't want people to be able to copy an unprotected digital stream. I also believe that you need a compatible player (i.e. DVDA or SACD, or both). I'm guessing here, but you may get a stereo output if you put it in a standard DVD player.