What type of speaker system should I get (bookshelf, satelite or tower) for a large area 22x20x8? I would use it 90% for music and 10% for home theatre which only takes up a 1/3 of the total sound space. It can't be loud since it's an apartment and I just want overall nice even sound.
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Initially I'd say bookshelf with a separate sub. Put the bookshelf speakers on some nice stands. After that, if I knew how much you're willing to spend I could make specific recommendations.
I agree with timn8ter. As always. That is good advice. But floorstading towers can still be good for L and R channels if you listen to stereo a lot. Then the center and surround channels should ideally have the same sensitivity and a safe way to do that is get them from the same manufacturer and model range as the big speakers at the front.