All this amp really has going for it, is looks! And that's the honest truth. The company spends soooooo much money getting these things chromed they leave out the quality and durability aspect. If you want something that's relatively inexpensive and REALLY, puts out power, check out the JBL BPX2200.1 I got one free, but it sure as hell has surprised me. rated @ 2200W RMS @ 4 or 1 ohm
itell tell you another detail look at the fuse rating on that 2300 its 160 amps (i know ive been around them) now look at the mtx 81000d or the 1501 d they are rated 1500 rms with a 150 amp fuse rating (hmm i wonder why lol) ill tell you why the audiobahn amps power is over rated 10 amps is not going to make 900 more watts rms lol (simple formula amps times volts equalls power)