Can u tell me if I will need to do any thing to my battery or alternator? I have 2 1000 watt Boss Subs Being Pushed By 1 1000watt Max Amp. The Speekers ar runing a 4 Ohms. The RMS values of amp. are 4 Ohms 100Wx2CH and my Power Supply Consumption in a bridge RMS is 27amp and the bridged watts is 300. If u need anymore info let me no and thanks for any help.
Do you have a voltage(battery) gauge in your vehicle?
If you do check out where the needle is when the car is running w/o the lights, a/c, or system on. Turn on your lights and A/C and see what happens to your voltage. Next rev you car up a lil bit over idle and crank your stereo. If the voltage drops a bunch and stays dropped you could use a bigger alternator.
To be honest I wouldn't think 27 amps would be much of a problem and if it was you could probabably make up for it by not cranking your system when a/c and/or headlights are on. It all depends on how much reserve your present alternator has.
Does your system sound good when you first crank it up and get noticeably "crappier" the longer you play it?