it depends on the cars acoustics. test your subs at both directions and find out.
Unregistered guest
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yeah, i find that in suv's or hatchbacks they sound better either or since it's open in the back, i had a 01 corolla and they sound terrible facing towards me with a sealed box, with a ported it sounded better when i ripped the seats out
I have found that in Toyota models made between 1982 and 1989 the best place for a sub to face is directly up, but if that is if you have a sunroof. If not, place it towards the rear, unless you have leather seats, then place it forward.
If your Toyota is 1990 or newer, the best thing for the maximum subwoofer effect is to sell the car to a Nissan dealer and let them replace your whole stereo with the "secret" Nissan replacement stereo system which will cost about 1700 bucks but is well worth it as the sub is solar powered and does not cost you any strain on your alternator.
However, the best thing is the newest jap technology which is called the "yamamotomofo" which consists of a solar powered sub that runs off the sun for those of you who are lucky enough to own a rocket rice powered crapmobile with a "japroof" or more commenly called a skymikazi to us unbread white ignoramisis people. The damn thing runs off of the sun and revolves so you never have to wonder if your sub sounds better facing forward, back, up your butt, or in your face.
One other suggestion, if you do not have the funds for this project, then do some donuts in the K Mart parking lot at 15-60 mph and then you will be able to tell which way your sub should face.
Of course all of this depends on you having a 700 watt per channel JL amp with 2 ohms going to a 14.74 inch sub in a 19x17 box that is ported to 18 Hrz. If your equipment is different I will have to modify my answer.
Please let me know as I have nothing else to do, as opposed to you who are too busy to simply turn your damn sub around to see which way sounds better.
Well most of the cars I have hered sound better with the subs faceing the back of the car. To me it feels like they hit harder that they do when they are faced toward the driver.
Usually facing rearward both sounds better and hits harder. Sealed boxes roll off at a certain frequency, and cabin gain is needed to get flat response. This gain is accomplished by the actual pressure the sub puts in whatever space its firing in (your case a trunk). The trunk is what gives gain and actually makes the sub louder than if it was in an open room. Faced directly towards you, the sub wouldn't get as much gain, especially at really low frequencies.
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In general it does sound better facing backward, but every car is unique, we like to sit in differernt position, our chairs for up more, have window tinted, well, I guess you get the point, everything makes difference. So try all the positions and see which one sounds best.