I've been trying to make Windows Media Player my default sound on my home PC, but every time I try to play songs on AOL's music sites, AOL automatically starts playing the music on RealPlayer, and the sound quality is poor. Why can't I play AOL music on Windows Media Player? Do I have to set certain controls on my PC and also on AOL? Can anyone help me out?
Right click on the music file then go to and select "properties". The menu will say Opens With: blah and have a change buttom, select the change button and then choose Windows Media Player. Im not familiar with AOL.
aol, i belief, sends the music in raw format. wmp doesnt support that type of media. if u still want to change it though, u can do that in the properties section, of if ur running win 98 or below u can change it in the registy. start> run > type in 'regedit' > click on 'hkey_classes_root'> select the right extension and double click on it > on your right hand side select ' (Default)' by double-clicking it > a window pops out and u shoud enter 'WindowsMediaPlayer'> exit out of the program and u should have linked the file to the windows media player
Dan hobo
Unregistered guest
Posted on
i have winmx and my mp3's don't play on any default player and i want to change my default player to windows media. How do i do it? Need help soon thx
For me the only way I can get to the "open with" box is to hold the SHIFT key down when I right click on the jpg or mp3 etc file. (I'm still running win'98.)That will give you the "open with -" next stage to get to the "open with" box. It works OK. Don't forget to click on the little "always open this file type...." box.