ok guys, i'm back with another round of questions...i currently have 2 12's that are each seperately wired at 1 ohm...the question that i have is would i get better sound by connecting the 2 12's @ 1ohm????
also, my friend is having a problem with hearing noise through his subs...he says he doesnt hear the noise when his gain is turned off...but with his gain turned off his cross-over doesnt put out as it should...i suggested that he get better rca's and a better crossover...so pro's please let me know if i'm correct...
***just tryinig to become a better car "audioist"***
It depends on the amp not all amps will run @ 1ohm so it would be wise to check that out before you change your wiring.
For your friend he should check his ground connection and only run the gains no more then 1/2 way if the gains have to be all the way up then he needs a bigger amp.