Converting Coaxial/Optical to 5.1 output


New member
Username: Harminder

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
I have Sony Home Theater Speaker System (SAVA 500) which does not have input for coaxial/optical but it does have 5.1 challel input. My DVD player has only coaxial/optical output. Can someone suggest my how to work this out. Thanks in advance.

New member
Username: Kegger

Post Number: 25
Registered: 12-2003
one of two things you can do either buy a digital
processor or replace your dvd player with a new one that has 5.1 outputs.

if you buy a digital processor you probably would
not use it as you upgrade later on because you
won't need one as all newer systems have a digital

whereas if you purchase a dvd player that will work you could keep it for future upgrades.
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