Is Paradigm Reference Studio 40's good match with Denon AVR 1804?


My dad is selling his Paradigm reference 40 speakers. I told him i would buy it from him. My Bonus room is about 20' x 14'. I have an Denon AVR 1804 receiver.I also have an Mission MS10 Subwoofer. For the fronts i have mission 780's right now. If i get these speakers off my dad i will make the missions surround. How would this combo go together? Any info would be great.Should i get them? I won't have any $$$ left over to upgrade my receiver.

Thnaks guy's..

I should also add that the Paradigm Reference 40 Speakers are V2's not V3's. I don't know if that makes a difference. My dad is upgrading his system. So thats why he is letting these go. If i don't get them his friend will. So help me out guy's..


Actually, Paradigm is probably one of the only speaker brands that I thought went well with Denon. I listened to both Paradigm and B & K speakers side by side with a Denon 1804 and I liked the Paradigm sound better. I thought they provided more detail, had a better sound range, and kind of mellowed the bright sound of the Denon.

Buy the Studio 40's and plan to upgrade your receiver as soon as you can. The studio series is a much higher grade speaker than the 1804 is a receiever and in the Denon line a 3803 would be more a match, although I would never recommend it to anyone by my experience with it. Way to bright for my ears. For now go ahead. The 40's are great. What is your dad buying to replace the 40's with? What about the center channel? You need the matching center.

Hi elitefan,

He is buying B&W (Bower & Wilkins) Nautilus 803's and the NAD T773 AV series. He told me he listened to this combo at a Home Audio store and loved it.

So, far as i know he is getting the B&W HT line with the NAD.

As for the centre channel, i really don't have enough $$$ left to buy his cc470. I will ask him to keep it for me till i can come up with the cash.

Interesting. Your Dad really knows his stuff and you are the lucky benificiary. Good luck and both of you enjoy.

The funny thing is, he knows more than me when it comes to HT stuff. I am 34 he is 59. He also has more Money than me.

Thanks guy's.

What is he charging you for the Paradigm 40's? I want to know if your dad is giving you a good deal, or if you could get a better deal at audiogon or another site.

Hope I don't start a family argument :-)

He said he will give it to me for $475. They are still like brand new. Is that reasonable? I think he paid little over $900 for them.

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Username: Iceberg

Post Number: 7
Registered: 12-2003
Can he sell them for me for $475. J/K . That's a great deal. I would take them out of his hands right away. Those speakers are still worth about $750 and up. Nice choice. Enjoy.

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Username: Paul_t

Post Number: 3
Registered: 12-2003
GRAB THEM! I'm sure he'll give you a great price, I have the V3's and have to say Paradigm makes a great speaker.. V2's are great speakers and have always had great reviews. Denon will be just fine for them, actually other then HK which tends to be a bit too warm for them every other receiver out there works well with them,,,

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Username: Gman

Post Number: 4
Registered: 12-2003
Your dad gave you a fine deal. Normally the Studio 20's sell for about $450-$500 used. The Studio 40's sell for a low of $600 to $700 used.

I would say that is a excellent deal. Particularly if they are in very good shape.

are the studio 40's still for sale??
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