What MFSL Gold CDs do we like?


Silver Member
Username: Josh784

Seattle, WA

Post Number: 104
Registered: Mar-07
A good but forgetful friend borrowed my copy of Dark Side of the Moon a year ago. He still has it, but it's now several hundred miles away and I've pretty much given up hope of getting it back any time soon. It was the 30th anniversary SACD hybrid version.

CDs are cheap, so I decided to just write it off as a loss and buy a new copy. Being uneducated, I assumed that the newest version (my 30th anniversary hybrid version) must be the best. I don't have a SACD player - I listen to all my red book stuff on my Apollo, but I remembered reading good things about the red book layer of the hybrid release. Before pulling the trigger on another copy, I thought it might be best to do a small amount of research to ensure that I wasn't buying the wrong product.

I'm glad I did. As it turns out, the SACD layer of that release is highly respected, but the red book layer is compressed, making it another victim of the loudness war. A little research revealed that the mid 80s Japanese pressings of that album, along with Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab's 1990 gold CD pressing are highly prized. MFSL was even able to use the original master for their pressing, while most other studios are limited to the copy of that master.

Needless to say, I have a copy of the MFSL gold CD (Ultradisc II I believe they call it) on the way. I've also ordered their recent remaster of Beck's Sea Change.

What other MFSL or DCC releases do we like? I have a modest collection of around 200 CDs currently, and I'd like to expand my collection of very well done recordings, so to speak.

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 12229
Registered: Feb-05
I don't have a single one, just like I don't have any special edition 180 gram vinyl. When I can buy 3 or 4 discs or records for the price of the more prized ones and get just as much enjoyment I don't see the point, for me anaway.

I am interested in seeing what folks have, and what they think of them. Believe I saw a similar thread over at SH today. Maybe for special ones I could spring if they are THAT good.

Silver Member
Username: Josh784

Seattle, WA

Post Number: 105
Registered: Mar-07
I'll admit that I've been in the same camp. I'll reserve final judgment until I've heard some of the MFSL releases, but this is my logic for buying them:

Source first.

There's nothing more elementary to the sound your system will create than the source material.

I realize it's not all black and white - there are plenty of "off the shelf" recordings that are done very well, but I will definitely be keeping MFSL and DCC on my radar from now on.

Gold Member
Username: My_rantz

Gold CoastAustralia

Post Number: 2970
Registered: Nov-05
Will look forward to your impressions about the differences Josh. I've seen these but been reluctant to fork out the extra for them.

Silver Member
Username: Kbear


Post Number: 539
Registered: Dec-06
I have a few of them. I bought all four GN'R albums, just because I'm a huge fan and a bit of a collector. I've been meaning to compare them to the regular pressing but haven't got around to doing it. From a bit of casual listening to both I don't think the difference is staggering at all.

Got a classical one too, Ravel's Bolero (MFSL gold and SACD too), which I haven't listened to yet.

I also have a CBS Mastersound version of Toys in the Attic. CBS Mastersound is the same idea as the MFSL gold CD. This one to me is noticeably better than the regular CD, and probably close to the SACD version. Again, I've not done a close comparison.

But I totally get not wanting to fork out the cash. I'm not sure I'd buy these discs now and I'm definitely not in the market to buy any more of them.

I have the same version of DSOTM as you do. Like you I've never been impressed with the CD layer. I listened to the SACD layer on my CA 650BD a week or two ago and it sounds much better.

Silver Member
Username: Josh784

Seattle, WA

Post Number: 106
Registered: Mar-07
Color me impressed.

Sea Change arrived in the mail today (thanks to Amazon Prime's lightning fast shipping).

This is a very well produced album. I don't have the original non-MoFi release to compare, unfortunately. I might try to track a copy down so I can do a true comparison. Sea Change seems like a worthy candidate for such a comparison as it's a recently released album (2002).

Based on the MoFi version alone, the album has excellent dynamics, which is obvious right off the bat. This is something I don't notice listening to the majority of my CDs. I have a few of Beck's other albums (Guero, Mellow Gold) in the standard release and would say that the MoFi version of Sea Change compares very favorably with those.

I think the best way to describe the MoFi release is that everything sounds right. There's no bass that sounds a little too boomy and out of place, no single instrument that obscures everything else. Lots of air in Beck's voice and the drums really pop.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 14650
Registered: Dec-04
I have Mofi Master cd fron Rush 'Permanent waves'

I am less than inpressend with the mix, which is truthfully uneven. This is not a remix, but a true Mofi master.
I have no doubt about the originals now, I thought I was turning my stereo too loud back then.
Getting absolute resolution on demand can be rewrding then not so much.
This is truly a master recording which is great to own(if my only biggie)

BTW, side 2 is absolutely outstanding in both quality and content, just one of those sides that nobody gets to very often.

Natural Science is a near masterpiece on this recording, which I really enjoy.

How could Terry Brown make so many messes of a quality band?!?

Searching for a super 'Spirit of Radio'

Silver Member
Username: Nmytree

Post Number: 426
Registered: Aug-04
I have the MFSL Dark Side Of The Moon. But I bought it years ago, while I was still living in New Jersey. Found it in a used CD bin for $4.99. Perfect condition. No scratches....no scuffs. Beautiful. Sounds wonderful. It is CD of choice when I want to listen to DSOTM. That was quite a fortunate find.

Then there's MFSL Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygene, which I found at the FYE store, in their used CD bin; back in 2003. $6.99. I've always loved this album. Had two versions on vinyl when I was a little kid. Sounds great!

MFSL's Elton John- Tumbleweed Connection. I love everything Elton John recorded up to Blue Moves. I've been loving his music since I was 7 years old. And Tumbleweed Connection is one of my Elton favorites. Again, this is my disc of choice when I want to listen to Tumbleweed.

MFSL's Elton John- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Again, my favorite digital version of this album. Also have the MFSL Vinyl edition, which is awesome!!! The CD version of both of these Elton John albums are the closest to the old vinyl mixes, I remember and love so much. Yet, a little better.

I have the recent current MFSL Rush- Permanent Waves CD, but some how I have not even listened to it yet.

Which is weird, because I'm a HUGE Rush fan. Have been since I was 14 -15 years old. A Farewell To The Kings on vinyl was my first Rush album and I was hooked, from that point on. I've seen them live........at least eight times. 8 that I can recall

To be continued..................

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 12252
Registered: Feb-05
I really like the Elton John albums that you mentioned, as well. Good to know.

New member
Username: Peterhills2233

New YorkUSA

Post Number: 4
Registered: Mar-22
I likeElton John too

New member
Username: Eloanwarehouse


Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-24
MFSL Gold CDs are renowned for their exceptional sound quality and meticulous mastering process. These CDs provide a superior listening experience, often offering enhanced clarity, depth, and warmth compared to standard CDs. Some of the most popular and highly praised MFSL Gold CDs include The Beatles' "Abbey Road," Steely Dan's "Aja," Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon," Billy Joel's "The Stranger," Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water," Miles Davis's "Kind of Blue," Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road," The Rolling Stones' "Exile on Main St."," The Who's "Who's Next," and Eric Clapton's "Unplugged." The remastering process on these CDs enhances the tonal quality of the music, bringing out the subtleties of the instruments. The MFSL Gold editions are also known for their expansive soundstage and balanced reproduction of the band's raw, energetic performance. Many MFSL Gold CDs are released in limited runs, making them highly collectible among audiophiles and music enthusiasts.
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