I have 2 kicker l7's in a ported box and they slam pretty hard. I have ppl riding in the backseat and on some songs they cant breathe because the bass hits so hard. I know they're pretty much spl subs, but thats ok. But I hear that they are more apt to break then regular subs that arent square, becuase instead of one distortion point, they have 4...Is this true?
It's because they have uneven stress points. The stress on the subs cone isn't balanced like a round cone, with a round cone the pressure on the sub is evenly distributed throughout the whole cone. They also suffer from cone flex, lead slap, limited excursion, and due to this they have increased distortion and reliability issues. They require a lot of structural reinforcement as to not break, so the cone has added mass (degraded SQ). As you can tell, I'm not a fan of them.