I am going to build a dual 12" shiva box and i was wondering where can i buy polyfill or fiberglass insulation. Also my box has an internal volume of 3.5 cubic feet...is this right. I was also wondering if i had to put a spacer between the two subs inside of the box to make 1 large box that has 2 internal boxes (one for each sub). I heard you were supposed to do this but was wondering if it is really necessary if needed at all
You guys have been a big help with everything thanks
by the way i didnt put that title it was a title that i had already used and for some reason it put it on there on its own...in case anybody got confused or annoyed or whatever
1.75 per sub. You need to divide the chambers, every sub has little differences and each sub should get it's own chamber so that they don't interfere with each other. Won't be too far from your original plans as far as the box, just add the thickness of the wood divider to the width of the box. A divider is also good for bracing the box, you'll need bracing to withstand the pressure of the subs anyway. As far as polyfill, go to Walmart and get pillow stuffing, it's the exact same thing.