2005 Doblo Cargo Radio Key


New member
Username: Doblooo_12

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-24
There are several numbers on my device. I don't know which one do you need.
That's why I uploaded pictures of the numbers.


New member
Username: Doblooo_12

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-24



i added clickable link

New member
Username: Doblooo_12

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-24
And i tried "3056" but didnt work

Gold Member
Username: Iwos


Post Number: 6583
Registered: Jul-14

Hey man, after entering the code, don't forget to press the 6 button
Press the "6" button to enter the code


New member
Username: Doblooo_12

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-24
Thank u bro. I pressed "6" but didnt work, but now i hold the button then work it. appreciate it

Silver Member
Username: Nakata

Georgia USA

Post Number: 513
Registered: Apr-22

Yet another wolf wearing sheepskin clothing just for a radio code or help. "TURKISH"

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