Pa system or karaoke system


New member
Username: Sbrent79

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-23
I am looking for a system that I can hook up in my party bus that will allow my clients to do karaoke. I would like it to be able to hook up to my smart TV so the clients can see the words and really have a good experience. I am also looking for a pa system so our bus host can communicate with the clients in real time about important announcements as without having to impede on their privacy and going to the back to make announcements. Are there any inexpensive system that can do this for me? I have a system but you can't see the words to the songs on the TV it won't connect. It has tiny drive that I have to download songs unto. It's not working like i I want it to. Also the mics I have when the music is playing via Bluetooth the mics go out and take forever to come back on.
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