I found a good deal on a 10 in w7 that handles 500w rms @ 3 ohms and i have a jbl 1200watt amp that handles 1200@ 1 ohm, would these work good together? Has anyone ever heard this combo?
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those 2 would hit hard as Hell
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ruxpin, somethin you should know, your amp will put out what is "asked" of it. ohm load's do this. think of ohms as resistance. as the ohms go down, the lower the resistance, thus letting more power to flow out of the amp. there are many ways to explain this but what i'm basically saying is that your amp isn't going to being putting out 1200 watts because your not "telling" it to. only a 1 ohm load will "tell" it to, a 3 ohm load will only draw maybe 600 or so. look at what the amp puts out at 4 ohms and also at 2 ohms, the amp will put out close to whats in the middle of those ratings (example, @2ohm=800 and @4ohm=400, then it would be 600 at 3ohm) later