Amp or Receiver - Best Bang for Buck?


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Username: Fkandt

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
I have a Yamaha 2092 running into Boston Accoustic VR front, center, rear speakers. This setup is about 7 years old. My old DVD player failed and I just picked up a Denon 2900.

The 2092 doesn't have multi channel audio in so can't really use it for SACD, so been thinking about an upgrade.

But SACD isn't as important to me as good sound overall, so I got to wondering if I'd be better off putting my $$ right now into a multi-channel amp and using the 2092 as a pre/processor. So to my question: just on the basis of sound improvement alone, would I be better to buy a new receiver or get a multi channel amp mated with the 2092 (and add a good processor later)?

An Outlaw amp would cost about the same as the current crop of receivers. If a new receiver is the ticket, any opinions on what would mate best with the BA VRs? - Thanks, Frank

New member
Username: Kegger

Post Number: 26
Registered: 12-2003
that is a tough choice you could either get a new
reciever that does 7.1 surround that should sound better than your yamaha.

something descent would be around $500

or you could start to build up your seperate amp
setup with purchasing a 5 channel amp now and some
more later which in the long run would be better.

the outlaw amp is a nice unit there are lots of 5
channel amps out there priced nicely and quality
made in terms of both sound and build quality.

i recently picked up the parasound 855a for $500
it is rated at 85x5 it seems to be more powerful
than that and is very clean and clear.

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