is it possible to get a picture of the northern lights with a standard digital camera? what settings would you reccomend (iso etc?) dark as could be and no flash on. or what would be required to take such a picture?
Now, I don't know what a 'standard' digital camera is, but if you can tell the camera what to do, start with long exposures.....maybe 4 or 8 seconds to start.
If you can view your efforts, and they are too dark / light / blurry, start making adjustments. Too light? go to a higher 'f' number or shorter shutter open time.
Above all, experiment.
If you have a 'fast' lens available, you may want to use that. I get great results shooting fireworks with an f4 lens or sometimes an f2.8 lens, both of which are zooms. You can also adjust the ISO number where higher is more sensitive, but introduces more noise.
Above all, experiment. That's the big advantage of digital. You really only waste battery power.....