while i was driving my truck i noticed that all of a sudden the high sounds changed. the treble, im assuming around 10kHz went really really dull. i have a pair of 3-way RF 6x9s, and i was wondering if the tweeters on them can go out without the woofer and "big tweeter" going out. sorry i dont exactly what everything is called, but to me it sounds as if only 2 of the 3 speakers are working.
another thing i was wondering is if it might be the amp. i find it weird that both speakers had the tweeters go out. is it possible for the amp to stop playing the high notes? i have it set on a high pass filter around 200Hz. any help would be much appreciated. thanks.
You could have blown the tweeters. In a system, tweeters are usually the quickest to blow, especially if you drove the amp into clipping. If you're running the speakers off a head unit that is most likely the problem. The fact that coaxials have poor shallow slope crossovers adds to the capability of blown tweeters. How loud were you listening to it? If an amplifier stops playing, it won't be within a specific bandwidth because the transistor handles all frequencies, not just high notes, it's mainly either all or nothing.