my w7 has been sitting in my room for almost a month and ive been saving for the 1000/1, i got to $600 and got the 500/1 yesterday and am planning on playing it for 4 days cause im gettin the 1000/1 on friday. it gets loud but im not pushing it to far its only around like 141dB right now, its a little louder than my old sytem. is this harmful to the speaker or the amp, or will it be fine for only a week??
you should be fine as long you dont clip the amp and send distortion to the sub. see, your amp puts out a little more than its rated but not enough for a sub like the 13w7. the thing is, you usually want to turn it up on the deck until your sub sound sounds full, but with that 500/1 it wont sound like that. so lets say your in your car crusing and you turn it up real loud, lets say your putting out all 500 watts but it really doesnt make the sub sound stressed and turn it up louder, youve clipped the amp and made it put out more power than rms and your sending distortion to your sub. see when your voice coils recieve 'real' watts it causes the cone to move, but distortion will only cause it to move a little more and could really damage your woofer and amp. we all know distortion is bad. you wouldnt need a week to decrease performance of your woofer. just set your gains 1/2 and dont really blast it.