Split screen not working on Panasonic 34 " Please help.
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I need to know how to hook up split screen on a Panasonic 34" widescreen (CT-34WX54). I would like to watch one show and have another split. We are on comcast digital cable with motorola box also hooked up to receiver and dvd recorder and vcr. Everything else works. The split screen works when used for other inputs but not for other channels. I would appreciate your help.
I had a similar problem after I upgraded to digital cable. Since you can only tune 1 channel with the cable box, I placed a spliter in-line before it. Then I ran one cable to the cable box, and one cable to the coax input on the TV. Now my PIP works. When I have the PIP running split screen the cable box controls one picture, and the TVs' built in tuner takes care of the other. The only problem is I have to use 2 different remotes to change channels. If you choose to go this route, make sure you don't lose picture quality when you add the splitter.