Clarion code required please


New member
Username: Bavo

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-11
Hi can anyone help me find the code for a Clarion CD Player on my Pug 306
its a PU-2294A©
SN CL0401Y0446418
Many thanks

New member
Username: Bavo

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-11
Before you say only allowed via main dealer etc, Ive seen a few posts on here the give out the codes for the PU-2294A

Gold Member
Username: Hay88


Post Number: 3490
Registered: Mar-10
please look for a barcode that starts with C7
the only CLARION code available for free (using a serial number ) from anywhere on the Internet
is if your radio also has a BARCODE SERIAL NUMBER beginning with
C 7000000 + + + + on a label somewhere on the metal casing.

If not then it will only be available from your Main Dealer or a Decoding Service
or your local Car Radio / Audio Store who will connect a laptop to read/recode the memory chip (EEPROM)
inside your radio

New member
Username: Bavo

Post Number: 3
Registered: May-11
Thanks for your reply, I did have the code via a paid for service on the internet, but like a fool I am I forgot to write it down, so shows it can be generated without connecting it up to a code breaker etc, as I gave them the SN and they e mailed me the code

Gold Member
Username: Regrooster

Post Number: 7183
Registered: Aug-08
If it does not have the barcode Serial Number then it cannot be obtained for free or even calculated using a Code Generator..It has to be looked up on a multi million database which is not commercially available to buy as software.

However there are several of the Professional Decode Services who have access to this original factory database so they are able to provide codes from the Serial Number beginning CL++++++++++++.

However as you already know from the previous time , you have to pay !
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