Wednesday i will be putting in two MA audio 15" D6 series with my 600 watt kenwood amp. I traded my Two 12" sonys and two 12" volfenhags to my cousin who is going to trade me straight up for them. Should this sound good or do i need a better amp i m going shopping for new amps thursday if i get any help. Thank You in Advance.
I goofed its not D6 its 15" Ma Audio XL Style and things things thump. with 300 RMS going to them. I really heard nothing about these but very imppresive. What would you campare them too. I heard two 15" JL W3 hooked up to a Planet audio amp 300 RMS and mine was better. so what would you campare to and what amp whould you suggest if any body can sell me a good amp to make them thump really good. PLEASE DO. i only have 100 dollars i know its not alot but i just decked my neon out and it looks sweet.