i cant decide between one 10" mtx 9500 dvc or two 12' kicker comp vc that come with a custom box...i was gonna go with the one mtx but i read some of the threads and heard that the compvc's sound nice and i found them for a good price....soooo i'm lost heree...HELP!!
i have no idea, they come in a custom box from kicker made for the cmp vc's
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I think I've seen that setup your talking about with the custom box. It looks like a nice sealed box with kicker logos on the side. I've heard both models of subs your asking about and i would go with kicker definatly. Your SQ will be better considering you would be getting 12's not 10's. As for SPL... If you get the right amp Kicker will beat the hell out of mtx.
Unregistered guest
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opps i just wanted to correct that up there.. when i put SQ i meant SPL and vice versa.
hmm thanks alot everyone...i havent heard the kicker comp vr's but i have heard the mtx 9500, do they actually sound that nice? cuz they're pretty inexpensive..
Go with pair of CompVr's. They will be louder than the one MTX and sound a lot better doing it. And you won't need as much wattage to push the Kicker's as it would to push that MTX.
sighh... i was afraid of this..mixed results...=T i also wanna throw two cerwin vega v-max 12's into the mix haha cuz i jsut found them for a pretty good price...help again!
dude go to a dealer that has the comps and listen to them i have heard both and they are very good for the price. they are also good off of ebay. every 1 has a preference so go try and listen to them.
I'd take both the 9500 and the Cerwin Vega V-maxes over Comp VR's. Not knocking the Kickers, but the 9500 has over twice the excursion (25.65 mm Xmax) of a Comp VR AND more surface area, one 9500 will hit harder than two Comp VR's. The V-maxes have a 19mm excursion and will ALSO hit harder than the Comp VR's. The Kickers are 11.5 just for comparison. In my opinion both the Vmaxes and the 9500 will offer better SQ.