Ok so I finally got my nfusion phoenix up and running nfps.. I loaded the 110,119 and 118 channel list all 3 have good signal.. But the channels say no signal (even channel 3/594) other then that rest of the channels on 110 are all working...
User 1 is 110 port 1 User 2 is 119 (universal) 11250 port 2 S66 Q70 User 3 is 118 (universal) 10600 port 2 S68 Q67
18x24 and single Lnb for 110 and dual for 119/118 it used to work fine on the public server last year and I hooked it up before I converted to nfps and 101 channel worked..
1. 18 x 24 is borderline for 118. Ok for 119 2. Universal setting for LNB goes with 9750-19750. Alternative setting is LNB type single or standard with LNB Freq. 10600 or 10750 for 118 and LNB type single or standard with LNB Freq. 11250 for 119. Connecting both 118.119 to one port is correct. No harm in trying port 3 or 4.