DB Electrical DC Power H/O alternators Lestek Mechman Ohio Generator Powerbastards Powermaster Stinger Wrangler Excessive Amperage Iraggi Motor City Reman (MCR)
Customer service. I've had much faster response times from Mechman, and it seems lots of others across several forums have as well. Their prices are lower, with at least an equal product until you get to the XP (hair pin) alternators. Half of those other companies I've tested or had customers report their clamped testings showing waaay less than rated- especially at idle.
Twiz yeah the weather's been crappy here too. I'm trying to pump out about 6 new brackets this month, but between the 2 garages I work out of it's still too cold! Also the weather slowed down shipments of my supplies, etc etc. Maybe run the truck till it's warm and set up a heat lamp lol.
I MAY be able to do an alt but I would need pics. I've seen 3 different case styles in 1990, and I'm not sure which one comes on this vehicle. They came with both the 2g and 3g alternators. To know for sure which alt I would need pics. The small case the highest I make is a 200, if you can fit in the large case 3g I can fit 240-maybe 250. I really hate to be the guy always pushing his own stuff lol. A small case 200 or large case 240/250 (not enough testing) would both run ~300. The 200 would have 120-130 idle, the 240 150+. That's in this case: