Next week I will be selling my 12w7 to a friend for $270(box included). I bought this sub on Ebay in poor condition for $245 + $117 for a custom box. So I will be losing money on this deal.
Its a nice sub, but it has a cracked/broken basket that I fixed using JB weld. It sounds great, but I doubt it sounds as good as it did before the accident. I'm thinking I will get a Fi Q 12 with the money I get and have Bassman build me a box for it.
It will be for my SQ system. My current box 1.9 cubes, slot ported, and tuned to 30hz. I would like my next box for the FiQ to be 2.1 cubes and tuned to 25hz because I would like the sub to hit really low. The sub will be powered by a JL slash 1000/1.
25hz is a little low for car audio, that's closer to a number for home audio (around 22hz) you will still get great lows's at 30hz or 28hz.... So that's what I would do.
Thanks Bassman! I guess I'll stick to 28hz. Is your site up n' running now? I would like to have a box built so I could have it before the sub arrives.
@ deathnoob: I have been thinking about aero ports, but I dont know yet, I havent had experience with them. I would like to save some space if possible so I guess aero ports would help a little. Do you use aero ports?