re audio's mx or ascendant audio's havoc also i been shopping all all around i can't find anyone who sells aa i live by new york city (NJ) but i have yet to call aa. thank you
from the 908 and 609 also. go online and order .search the internet. you could get any 1 of those subs for 50$ go down newark in the of the bricks and talk to a little skinny crackhead dood named the rockmaster
Oh ok Burlington county I grew up in Ocean. i always had the benefit of bangin the rich girls from p.a. and ny coming down for vacation to the shore. ha damn i miss jersey
wow lol i use to live in newark there were lots of crack heads i woke up one night to them trien to get in my trunk to get my 2 12w6v2 and my 1000/1 lucky for me cops pulled up lol