Alright after getting prices on many different options...I have realized just how sh!tty getting equipment shipped to Alaska this is what I have it narrowed down to:
Either a single 18" HDC3 or two 15" SDC2.5s. Will be ported on 1200-1500 rms in my 2005 sierra 2500hd ext. cab.
I had a 12" HDC3 on 1000 rms a little over a year ago in a sealed off trunk car and it was pretty loud but I definitely want a louder SQL system.
So just how much better is the HDC3? Enough to choose a single 18 over two 15s? What would you guys do?
...Also I'll throw in the 18" Fi BL as its around the same price...
r u gonna run 1200-1500rms to both subs if u got the 15s? if not id get the 18 and run that wit 1500rms...i actually jus saw an ad on craigslist for an HDC3 18 in box for 300