DISH DISH % UP BEV BEV % UP Conaxsat Mini (IX200) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Conaxsat Duo (IX200) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Conaxsat Trio (IX200) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Conaxsat Nano (IX100) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Conaxsat Nano 2 PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Coolsat 5000 (RLINK) PARTIAL 30 % UP PARTIAL 20 % UP Coolsat 6000 (RLINK) PARTIAL 30 % UP PARTIAL 20 % UP Dreambox DM100 PARTIAL 60 % UP DOWN - I-Link IR-210/220 PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - I-Link IS-8000 PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - I-Link IS-9000 PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - I-Link IS-9500 HD DOWN - DOWN - KBox K1 Plus (KHUB) DOWN - DOWN - KBox K1 Prodigy (KHUB) DOWN - DOWN - KBox K2 Panther HD DOWN - DOWN - Limesat PARTIAL 80 % UP PARTIAL 80 % UP NFusion Nova DOWN - DOWN - NFusion Solaris DOWN - DOWN - NFusion Phoenix DOWN - DOWN - NFusion HD DOWN - DOWN - SonicView SV-360E (IHUB) PARTIAL 70 % UP DOWN - SonicView SV-360P (IHUB) PARTIAL 70 % UP DOWN - SonicView 8000HD (IHUB) PARTIAL 70 % UP DOWN - Sonysat (X2) DOWN - DOWN - Topsat PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN Viewsat VS2000 Ultra (WF) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Viewsat VS2000 Ultra Lite (WF) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Viewsat 9000 HD (WF) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Viewsat MAX HD (WF) PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN - Zoomsat Satzen PARTIAL 80 % UP DOWN -
FTA Professionals from the looks of it is a very well laid out site. I think they might be there to scam people who are totally ignorant. But most important, they also want to take business away from established IKS sites. At present, NOT RECOMMENDED