I've been looking at speakers for a few days now. And began to wonder is the only difference between the coaxial and component speakers are the better crossover and the tweeter not being attached to the mid driver? Which in many cases it looks the same as the one on the coaxial speakers. So it is possible to just wire a coaxial speaker with a better crossover, and maybe get a separate tweeter, and it be the same as the more expensive component systems?
Honestly, I just think it's that the tweeter can be placed wherever. And yeah, typically component speakers have an external crossover. Though, I've seen some exceptions where a coaxial speaker had an external crossover.
On the whole, component speakers are usually made better and offer better sound than coaxials just because they're intended for someone with a more discerning ear, hence speaker manufacturers put a bit more effort into their component speaker offerings (admittedly, that sounds somewhat circular). Again, there are exceptions, like you mentioned, where literally they just keep the tweeter stuck to the speaker in one scenario, then charge 10-20$ for the same exact speakers except the tweeter is detached.
It's best to use whatever crossover is included (unless you're very knowledgeable about making crossovers). And the problem with getting a separate tweeter is that it might not be matched very well to the woofer (in terms of tone and frequency response). It's fine to mix around subwoofers since the lower frequencies carry less detail, but up in the higher frequencies of the audio spectrum, mixing and matching has far more consequence.
What are you looking for and what is your budget? I'll see if I can help you find something.
Ok, cool. I was thinking about it. But I was looking for some good, speakers that offer some good bass, but also nice highs. I'm looking at the Polk Audio, or precision power ppi speakers. But I'm not sure which too get. I'm budgeting around 100 or so dollars for a pair. I can go a bit more, if it's worth it. Thanks for the advice tho.