Well I was mounting my Fi Qs in the new box and noticed that on one of them 3/4 of the surround was just not glued down anymore. That can't be good.. I re-glued it with super heavy duty glue, we'll see if it works.
What I don't get is the subs are identical, bought new together, and the other one is fine... idk what happened.
Ppl are finally realizing that pioneer = fail It's been a long a hard fought battle lol
But I just don't get why this happened. I always take really good care of everything and don't abuse them... and it was only one sub the other was fine... it's just weird
I blame heat and humidity, it wil fugg with glue easily. plus since they hand build you never know if they got stingy with the glue on that one. btw I order my new Fi Q bad boy in a few days i'm super excited!