....there are shows on the Discovery and History Channel that are about my job and some of my friends/family's jobs.
Kinda weird, at least. Pawn Stars....Swamp Loggers....River Monsters....Oil, Sweat, Rigs...and crap like that???
Hell, I work at a Pawn/Audio shop. My brother is on a work-over rig. And a friend of mine is a logger (in Louisiana, so consider it 'swamp logging'). 2 of my uncles are commercial fisherman. 5 or more relatives...grandpa, cousin's, uncle's, are carpenters.
WTF...is my life a Discovery Channel episode? Should I take up Parkour so I can get on MTV??? Hell, half the stuff I do could make its way on Jackass or the Dudeson's. Next thing I know, my Dad's Turtle Farm will be a series on TV.
Oh, and on a side note.... Les Claypool did the intro for RobotChicken.